Do your students or children need a little extra practice with reading over the holidays? Try this great word matching exercise:
What you’ll need:
- A whiteboard (or a large sheet of paper to write on)
- Sticky notes (colorful are great!)
- A marker
What to do:
- Write out words the child is struggling with on both the whiteboard and sticky notes, making sure the two sets are not laid out in the same order
- Have the child move the sticky note words to the same word on the whiteboard, reading each aloud as he / she goes
Once they’re ready, we have books for your struggling readers to read! Check out our high interest, low reading level (hi-lo) series–Orca Limelights, Orca Currents, Orca Sports and Orca Soundings–for appropriate reading levels and interesting plots. Here’s a few examples to get you started:
Catch Centerville‘s basketball-crazy Jake Burnett who is thrilled to be leaving home to attend prestigious Centerville Prep. It’s an opportunity to pursue his hoop dreams at the highest level. But things aren’t quite as advertised at his new school, and Jake soon finds himself struggling both on and off the court. At first, Jake is determined to play harder and ignore the warning signs. Until he discovers that his new head coach is a scam artist, putting kids at risk for his own gain. Now Jake has a difficult choice to make—advance his basketball career or do the right thing.
Or have kids who are more interested in the performing arts? Then there’s Across the Floor‘s Luc Waldon, who always figured he knew what his passion was: football. He lives it, he breathes it—and he thinks he has what it takes to go all the way to the NFL. So when his football coach orders him to sign up for contemporary-dance classes to improve his game, Luc’s less than thrilled but willing to give it a try. When he realizes that dance might actually be his true passion, he faces a tough decision. Is he willing to leave behind the field and a real shot at professional sports, and disappoint his parents, his coach and his teammates, in order to pursue a new dream?
And there’s 121 Express, where the students are infamous for bad behavior and Lucas knows his role on the bus will determine his social standing at his new school. Lucas is tired of being one of the nerds. When he attracts the negative attention of the cool troublemakers, he saves himself by teasing another kid. His ploy works and soon Lucas is right in the center of the mayhem on the bus. He loves his new found popularity, but when the fun and games push the bus driver to a nervous collapse and hospitalizes an elderly lady, Lucas begins to question his choices.