Category: <span>Literacy</span>

Guest Post: Students’ and my take—make that double-take—on the doppelgänger

  The following post is written by Melanie Jackson, author of Death Drop.   Everyone has one. That not-quite-double, that other self. A nicer other self, or a more sinister one. Possibly a deadly one. I’ve been exploring the idea of the doppelgänger with three classes of Grade 8 Creative …

We’re going on a word hunt

We’re going on a word hunt, (we’re going on a word hunt,) We’re going to find some big ones, (we’re going to find some big ones,) I’m not afraid! (I’m not afraid!) This song puts me in mind of summer nights around the campfire after the final s’more has been …

Word Match

Do your students or children need a little extra practice with reading over the holidays? Try this great word matching exercise: What you’ll need: A whiteboard (or a large sheet of paper to write on) Sticky notes (colorful are great!) A marker What to do: Write out words the child …