Orca Book Publishers - Blog

Meet the Editor—Gabrielle Prendergast

Get to know Orca’s hi-lo editor, Gabrielle Prendergast, including what she’s looking for in new manuscript submissions! Many years ago, I started reading Orca books while I was doing my MFA at the University of British Columbia. I loved Orca’s focus on striving readers, Canadian authors and politically progressive subject matter. So, when …

Q&A with The Antiracist Kitchen Editor Nadia L. Hohn

What if talking about racism was as easy as baking a cake, frying plantains or cooking rice? 

Publishing September 12, 2023, The Antiracist Kitchen is a celebration of food, family, activism and resistance in the face of racism. In this anthology featuring stories and recipes from 21 award-winning North American Black, Indigenous and People of Colour (BIPOC) authors and illustrators for young people who share the role of food in their lives and how it has helped fight discrimination, reclaim traditions and celebrate diverse histories and cultures.

In this Q&A, learn all about the editor Nadia L. Hohn’s inspiration behind this book and why it is so timely for young readers today.