Written anything good yet?
I’ve been sitting on my bed with my dog and my usual three ring notebook. A notebook? The paper kind? Yup, I know it’s old fashioned, archaic, out of touch and backward. But I always start my writing with a notebook because I haven’t figured out how to doodle on my computer yet. I need to doodle! How can I think without doodling?
Sometimes I doodle with a purpose, like when I’m trying to figure out what a three-headed monster costume should look like for a book I’m writing. Okay, this isn’t so much a doodle as an illustration…an illustration that looks like it’s been done by someone who is five years old. Now you know why my publishers have NEVER EVER EVER let me do ANY of the art. I’ve asked! I have! They say NO.
But most of the time the doodles are entirely unconscious. I’m writing, planning, drifting off in story-land and not meaning to doodle at all; suddenly I look down and find something interesting. Okay it still looks like it’s been done by a five year old but at least an INTERESTING five year old.
Doodling is a way into the creative part of my brain. I love the complex and intriguing way brains work. It’s part of what’s behind my latest book, TJ and the Quiz Kids, which arrived in my hands just a few days ago. Okay…you’re right…this is where I fit in a quick a plug for TJ and the Quiz Kids. I want people to read it! I love TJ, Seymour and the cats in all their craziness! But it’s also true that the ways different people think about things…so many thoughts in so many layers…. fascinates me.
Do you doodle? Does it help you think? Do you doodle when you do math? Or when you write? Do you doodle on purpose? Write back and let me know.
Next Blog, Monday November 12th , will have notebook samples of some of the planning, writing and doodling for TJ and the Quiz Kids. And find out what my dog thinks of my latest “story in progress.” Hope I’ve started it by then!.
Hazel Hutchins