Author: <span>Isabella Kennedy</span>

¡Libros bilingües en español e inglés para niños!

¿Buscas libros bilingües para apoyar el aprendizaje del español? Desde historias que celebran la felicidad hasta relatos que fomentan la empatía y la amabilidad, estos títulos bilingües están creados para apoyar tanto el aprendizaje como el desarrollo emocional de los niños, ayudándoles a apreciar la riqueza de ambos idiomas a través …

Q&A with Lost Windy River Author Trina Rathgeber

★ “Colorful illustrations in classic comic-book style help readers explore the challenging landscape. An excellent choice for a book report and good addition to a children’s nonfiction collection.” —School Library Journal, starred review In 1944, thirteen-year-old Ilse Schweder got lost in a snowstorm while checking her family’s trapline in northern …

Q&A with Meena Can’t Wait’s Farida Zaman

“This vibrantly illustrated book is a quiet tribute to intergenerational relationships and family traditions. A tender, gentle tale that will help children live in the moment.” –Kirkus Reviews In Farida Zaman’s new picture book, Meena Can’t Wait, a young girl goes to her grandmother’s house for a tea party and …

Q&A with This Land is a Lullaby Author Tonya Simpson

★ “This eloquent and insightful picture book…honors the enduring relationship between a child, their ancestors, and the land.” — Booklist, starred review In Tonya Simpson’s new picture, This Land is a Lullaby, the sounds of the land soothe an Indigenous child to sleep on a stormy summer night on the Plains. …